Boom VisionTM Podcast
Episode 15: How to Stay Focused? Lights, Camera, Action!
Quote: "Feel the Rhythm! Feel the Rhyme! Get on up, it's bobsled time! Cool Runnings!" - Sanka in the movie Cool Runnings
In the spirit of Winter Olympics, I had to quote one of my favorite winter Olympic movies. The Jamaican team had this ritual of saying this quote right before they start their race to get them into their zone: it helps energize and gets the team in sync to focus collectively right before they start racing.
Do you sometime feel you have a tough time staying focused? Do you have moment in your life where you might feel a bit scatterbrained, or you have like 2 dozen ideas, but when it's time to take action, you freeze. Or maybe you're applying the wrong strategies at the wrong times. How do you stay focused at the task at hand when the clocks ticking and you have a deadline coming up?
Quote: "Focus on the possibilities for success, not on the potential for failure." - Napoleon Hill
Today, I'm going to dive deep in the topic of focus and concentration. Are you applying the right 'light' to the situation at hand? Is your 'camera' focusing on the right objective? And does your 'actions' match your focus? I'll explain what I mean by "lights, camera action!" In today's episode, I will share:
- Lights, Camera, Action! Are you applying the right 'Light Focus' strategy with "Actions" to match that focus?
- How creating the right ritual can become a powerful tool to raise your vibration and energy in accomplishing your goals!
- I'll share action steps you can take on how you can get into your zone to focus on what it takes to get the job done!
Show Notes
[2:19] - Hi folks, welcome to episode 15 of the Boom Vision podcast! It's exciting to watch the Winter Olympics this week with my family, which country are you rooting for?
[2:52] - Quote: "Where ever focus goes, energy flows." - Tony Robbins
Is your attention in or out of focus? Are you applying the right strategy that the present moment needs for you to move forward in achieving your goal?
[3:13] - Lights, Camera, Action
- '"Light" how I define it in this context is the thoughts and ideas that run through your head. Depending on your personality, do you tend to be very methodical and organized in your thoughts? Or are you a scatterbrain? Do you lean more towards implementing one idea at a time, or are you a serial entrepreneur that juggles multiple companies, and have dozens of ideas always floating in your head?
- "Camera" or " Camera Lens" in this context is the how. How do you focus your thoughts. When you think of how you process your thoughts and ideas do you tend to zoom in and focus your thoughts and attention to what's right in front of you? Or are you more zoomed out and your focus is in multiple places? Metaphorically the same can be said about a camera lens.
[4:35] - 3 types of light focus: Lantern, Flashlight or Laser.
- Lantern: 360 degrees and Spread out
- Flashlight: It's more directional, focused on a particular quadrant
- Laser: Very specific, focused on an exact pinpoint with precision.
[5:51] - Action: is pretty self explanatory. What actions do you take following your light focus? Are your actions aligned with your light focus? Do you have laser focus and laser actions? Or do you have laser focus, but lantern actions?
- Brainstorming: Lantern focus to expand your creativity, innovations and new ideas.
- Flashlight: When you identified your niche market, when you have a hypothesis that you need to validate. That's when you want to be more directional and focused in a quadrant.
- Laser focus and action? You have a deadline coming up in a week. Deliverables are due in 3 days. Different stages in your business or career warrants different focus and different actions to be effective.
[7:34] - Story: SPI Pro Mastermind Group with my co-leader, Michael Chuber. Michael Chuber, been operating his family business for over 35 years, he runs an insurance company in the New York and Florida region in the east coast. He was looking to grow his online presence of his business with video podcast. Wanted to roll out over a dozen different areas and industries.
It felt like he was applying lantern focus with lantern actions when he's just started off his channel.
We discussed whether applying a lantern focus strategy in the beginning is effective, or if a flashlight focus and execution better to gain early traction.
[10:00] - Main Takeaway: When you are about to tackle your goals you've set out, take a step back, zoom out to get a sense of what you feel is required at the present moment for you to reach the next phase? Is the right strategy to appy a lantern, flashlight, or laser focus?
[10:25] - Action Steps: 1) CAL Method and 2) Creating your ritual
- C - Calming: Calm yourself with whatever methods work for you to quiet your wind tunnel. Breathing exercise, meditation, yoga or running.
- A - Awareness: In that calm state, ask yourself: what type of focus do I have? If you can imagine in your mind 3 different types of light source: Lantern, Flashlight and Laser. Which one do you gravitate towards?
- L - Language: Ask yourself:
- Are the actions I'm taking match my focus?
- Is this serving me to my highest and best, or do I need to change actions?
- What is my intentions on why I desire this goal or outcome?
[12:05] - Creating your ritual: The 2nd set of action steps I want you to do is finding your ritual: Create a ritual that prepares and aligns your focus and actions.
Story: My ritual when I played volleyball back in high school.
- Calming: pregame warmup
- Visualization: I see it
- I hear it
- I feel it
I hope by sharing my personal story, you can see just how powerful it is when you create your own ritual that helps raises your energy and vibration to feel "IT". To create your own ritual, I'd like you to follow these 4 steps.
Takeaway: This is why meditation is important and why it WORKS, it's simply turning the off button in the wind tunnel machine.
[17:53] - Step 1. Get into a calm state: In my volleyball example, my pre-game warmup routine was my way of getting into a calm state. This can be meditation, jogging, or as as simple as 1 minute breathe work, breathing in and breathing out.
[BONUS: At the bottom of this page, you can download a free 1-minute breath work I recorded just for my Boom Vision audience. Subscribe to my community to access this free download!]
Step 2. Set Your Intentions:
- My intention for achieving X is Y because it makes me feel Z.
- My personal example: My intentions for growing my Boom Vision audience is to empower people that want to align their purpose and create abundance success on solid foundation of their mind, body and soul! This makes me soul feel so alive and fulfilled!
[19:26] - Step 3. Song: Listen to a song that gets you into that 'zone'. Is the energy you need that's required to accomplish that goal, is it high energy? Is it focused energy? Is it soothing energy? Find a song that matches that vibration!
[19:55] - Step 4: Make a declaration out loud: I AM
- I am Powerful
- I am Fierce
- I am Unstoppable
- I am Worthy
Choose whichever word that feels right for you to lock it in, declare it out loud!
[20:57] - Final Thoughts
Quote: “Action without vision is only passing time, vision without action is merely day dreaming, but vision with action can change the world.” – Nelson Mandela
Folks, I really want you to create a ritual that you can use, either in the mornings or before you start work. If you are looking to be able to focus more effectively at the task at hand, you are going to be surprised how powerful it is when you frame your mindset, your light, your focus in alignment with what you can visualize, hear and feel. Your ritual will only be effective when you feel "IT". When you feel the integration what it is that you truly want to embody!
I'd LOVE to hear what ritual you create that works for you! Send me a DM on IG (@benjaminyeh), reach out and let me know if these action steps works for you!
If you need help finding a song that you can resonate with, head over to my website. I've created 3 curated playlists of songs that vibrate with High Energy, Confidence, and Healing Energy.
As an extra Bonus, in addition to the free music playlists, I've also added a link to free 1-minute breathe work exercise that you can download on your phone. I created this 1 minute breathing exercise as my gift to you. You can incorporate this as the 1st step of your ritual, to get into a calm state.
The key is to keep your ritual simple so that you can build that as a daily habit!
Free Digital Download!
Don't just move your body, move your SOUL!
Want to feel more confidence, healing energy, or high energy? Subscribe to my Boom Vision email list and get access to 3 of my curated playlists! + BONUS free digital download of my 1-Minute Breathwork Meditation Exercise!