Boom VisionTM Podcast

Ep. 41: How to Attract Abundance Into Your Life! Power of Language 


“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein

Folks, how many of you want to live a life full of abundance? Is that possible? And if so, do you want to learn how to attract that into your life?

Quote"Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into." - Wayne Dyer.

In today's episode, I'm going to share what I advised my clients in the most recent coaching sessions on how to rewrite their futures, how to attract more abundance in their lives, simply by harnessing the power of language.  In today's episode, I will share:

  1. Story of Lon: 'And' vs. 'Or'
  2. Story of Father-in-Law: It is what it is
  3. Story of Mike: Why vs. Why Not?!
  4. I'll share action steps how you can reprogram your language to attract more abundance into your life!

Show Notes

[1:27] Hi folks, welcome back to episode 41 of the Boom Vision podcast!

In the past few weeks, I've had several clients share with me that they felt stuck in a certain area, particularly around money and wealth.

And after talking to them to understand where their root cause are, what I shared was simply reframing their language to help them unlock a different way in operating life.

[1:59]  Story 1: Lon

Lon Schiffbauer, is a fellow member of my mastermind group in SPI Pro. Lon is a Professor of Business Management and Founder of Nutshell Brainery.

[1:59]  Story 1: Lon: 'And' vs. 'Or'

[4:51]  Story 2: Father-in-law: It is what it is.

[8:12]  Story 3: Mike: Why vs Why Not?!

[12:24]  Action Steps

CAL Method

  • Calm: Calm your mind in whatever way works best for you. Whether it's a minute or several minutes to just focus on your breathing or meditate.
  • Awareness:  In that calm state, bring awareness to your body on how you are feeling. Do you feel calm and neutral? Do you feel irritated and frustrated? If you're feeling negative, what do you think is the root cause that's triggering that negative feeling?
  • Language:  I want you to pay attention to the thoughts that are going through your mind, the inner voice that's expressing in your mind.
    • Do you have a tendancy to use 'OR' language? And if so, what would be a way to reframe your thoughts using 'AND' language?
    • Do you have a tendency to say "it is what it is" or "there's no way" Can you ask yourself the question, what if it IS possible? How would that look like? What if there is a way? A 3rd alternative?
    • Do you have a tendency to say "I can't".  What if you invite the new possibility of saying "I can". Instead of "why?" what about "why not?!"

[14:34] Final Thoughts

Quote: "A different language is a different vision of life.” - Federico Fellini 

Folks, I can't tell you how much power and energy there is behind the words we use on a daily basis. What we vocalize externally, what we think internally have power in programming our inner world and outer reality. The more we use the very language we are looking to attract, the more you are allowing yourself to tune into that frequency that you are looking to manifest.

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